Winter Blues

November 26, 2023

LeMay Photography is a studio in Western Little Rock specializing in headshots, business portraits, and family, senior, and real estate photography.

As the winter months approach, many photographers may feel down due to the reduced number of outdoor photoshoots.  Here are some tips to stay inspired and productive during the winter months: 1. Experiment with new lighting techniques: With fewer natural light opportunities, take advantage of the time to experiment with different lighting techniques.  2. Organize your gear: Take some time to go through your equipment and organize everything. Not only will it help save time when you need to find something, but it can also help declutter your mind and allow new ideas and inspiration to flow. 3. Try different photography genres: Have you always wanted to try portrait or still-life photography? Winter is the perfect time to experiment with new genres and challenge yourself creatively. 4. Get inspired by other photographers: Take some time to look at the work of other photographers who inspire you. Try to figure out what about their work that speaks to you, and see if you can incorporate some of their techniques or ideas. 5. Collaborate with other artists: Reach out to local artists and see if you can collaborate on a project. Working with other creatives can be a great way to inspire and develop new ideas. Plus, it's always fun to work with other like-minded individuals!
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