Making a Good Day Common

October 8, 2023

LeMay Photography, located in the Arcade Square Shopping Center in western Little Rock, specializes in portraits of seniors, families, and headshots for business purposes.

One critical task each day is to enjoy the day and the people I get to meet. We get the day one time, and we need not waste it.  It will never happen again, so getting the most out of each day is essential. I'm not talking about financial gain but profitable living that treats others and our world correctly. When we pursue these precepts, financial rewards will follow eventually.  You may spend a lot of time with your employees, so why not enjoy them? It's sad to invest a lot of time in that relationship and be miserable at the end of the day.  I enjoy Real Estate photography because agents call back regularly; this can grow a successful business.
Building a successful photo business requires more than just technical skills. It also requires connecting with new people and building meaningful relationships. One way to do this is to attend industry events and network with other photographers, vendors, and clients. Another way is to offer your services for free or at a reduced rate to local non-profits or community organizations. Giving back to your community can establish yourself as a trusted and valuable member, leading to new business opportunities and referrals. Building relationships takes time and effort, but the rewards are worth it in the long run.
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